
The Surgeon Chapter 6: Blood

Created by Laguna Studios

Dr. Hanover returns one more time in the thrilling conclusion to this post-apocalyptic samurai western! All issues available!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Heading into the weekend with gratitude and momentum!
8 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 12:05:22 PM

Hey team, this is John, the creator and writer. I'm really pleased with the progress so far: we're over 150 backers, over 70% funded in just a few days. Bigger projects sometimes get funded right away, but this kind of steady progress almost suits me better.

For those of y'all who have been with us since the beginning, I can't thank you enough for your patience and perseverance. Not one damn thing about this project has been easy, and some has been downright hard and discouraging. But knowing we have your support makes a whole lot of difference. I hope we can give you a satisfying closure to this Turtle Island Cycle. I have so many more stories to tell in this world.

For those of you who are giving The Surgeon a shot for the first time, thanks for the leap of faith. We've had spectacular art all along, and I've done my best to give you a human story in a harsh, unforgiving world.

Here's what I like about this kind of project:

150+ backers, each pledging an average of $30. We're not backed by a big pot of money; we're backed by a lot of people who are giving what they can to help out.

288 project followers with 23% conversion rate on day 4. I've done projects where we didn't get 23% of followers to commit at all, but on day 4, this is great!

So thanks again, and please do share the campaign on your socials or recommend it to someone in real life.

Word is Bond,